The Blacksmith’s Project Book and The New Spruce Forge Manual of Locksmithing (Two Book Set)
0These two beautiful and instructive blacksmithing books are the perfect source of inspiration for any smith looking for a challenge and to learn new skills. With 35 blacksmithing projects combined, these two manuals will keep you busy for a very long time.
Both books are hardcover with a layflat binding, with over 1700 color photos and illustrations and just under 600 pages combined.
The Amazing History of Early Weapons: Guns, Submarines, Torpedos, Tanks – U
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Softcover, 120 pages, illustrated
Leatherwork Manual by Al and Ann Stohlman – U
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Softcover, 160 pages, fully illustrated
Cartridges for Collectors Volume 2 (Centerfire – Rimfire – Patent Ignition) by Fred Datig – U
0NOTE: This Is a Dented, Smudged, or Dinged Book Offered at a Special Price!!
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Hardcover, 176 pages, fully illustrated
Bulwark and Bastion: A Look at Musket Era Fortifications with a Glance at Period Siegecraft
0The word “bulwark” is defined as being a wall-like defensive structure, while the word “bastion” is defined as being a fortified area or position. The construction of fortifications to secure places from attack is a practice as old as mankind. This booklet, illustrated with drawings and photos, goes into detail on the various types of fortifications that have been utilized throughout history. Contains as excellent glossary of technical terms.
Softcover, 98 pages
The Hollow Ground Hunter with Gene Osborn (DVD)
0Universal DVD, 1 hour and 50 minutes