Damascus Steel

You can purchase damascus steel for your projects from various sources online or locally. But if you are a serious knifemaker, metal artist, blacksmith, or jeweler who makes steel jewelry, you will want to learn to make your own damascus steel. You can learn to make mosaic damascus, cable damascus, wire damascus, or any other variety of damascus with study and practice. When you have mastered simple damascus you can learn the techniques of advanced damascus patterning. We have all the books and DVD courses that you need.

Learning to forge damascus is not simple. That’s why many knifemakers, blacksmiths, and other metal artists simply purchase it from those who are specialized. But if you learn the techniques, your damascus will look the way you want it to look. You will need commitment, resoluteness, dedication and a continuous study of the materials involved. But your satisfaction will be immense