Blade Grinding with Kevin Cashen (an American Bladesmith Society DVD)
0In this video Kevin Cashen takes you through all of the steps used in grinding a knife. Topics include- workrest & freehand grinding, grinding belt selection and tips, preplanning and preparation, blade profiling, blade centerlines and plunge cuts, grinding techniques, and more…
Run Time: 2 hours and 4 minutes
Basic and Practical Wax Modeling (Two Book Set)
0These two classic and renowned jewelry making and design books will teach you all you need to know about wax modeling. Written by Mr. Hiroshi Tsuyuki, the Japanese authority on this subject, these books are filled with interesting projects that are explained with an easy to understand simple step-by-step approach that vary from simple domed rings to complex pendants and brooches.
Both books are hardcover with a lay-flat binding, and are fully illustrated with b/w photos. 272 pages and over 600 photos combined.
Contemporary Italian Blacksmiths – From Iron Through Fire (Hardcover)
0This is a fascinating and wonderful book with English text. It presents in high quality color photos the newest work of some of Italy’s most talented and renowned artist-blacksmiths.
The creativity and virtuosity of these blacksmiths is apparent in this collection of their most recent works. This is an eclectic collection and showcases artists with very different styles.
This book is fascinating not only for the originality of the work presented but for some of the techniques used, which will certainly pique your interest and curiosity.
Hardcover, English/Italian text, 256 pages, all color photos
Adding Spice to Your Woodturning: 20 Salt, Pepper and Spice Shaker Projects for Woodturners
0Hardcover with hidden spiral, 68 pages, fully illustrated
Antique Lock and Key Collectors’ Library (Three Book Set)
0The Antique Lock and Key Collectors’ Library (Three Book Set) includes the following three books: Antique Locks and Keyes, Locks and keyes Throughout the Ages and Persian Locks. All three books are Hardcover.
Historic French Nails & Fittings by Chris How
0The book has 187 well illustrated pages with hundreds of photos and illustrations, and covers iron working, slitting, nail making and screw cutting with details of machinery and methods used and the different types of nails and fixings produced.
Building the Rio Grande K-27 Volume 1 by Kozo Hiraoka
0The Building the Rio Grande K 27 Volume 1 is a large hardcover book based on long-running serial in Live Steam & Outdoor Railroading magazine. The publishers say “this is the most comprehensive text on building a live steam locomotive ever published“.
Hardcover, 400 pages
Persian Locks: 1500 Years of Iranian Padlocks
0Persian Locks is a beautiful award-winning book detailing the lock-making traditions of Iran. With over 500 photos and illustrations, it will take you on a 1500 years lockmaking journey.
Hardcover, 144 pages, 10-inches x 8.5-inches, over 500 full color photos and drawings.
Scroll down page for complete description.