
Geez… There is so much really great material in old issues of American Machinist Magazine, that I tend to forget about other periodicals like Power, or Machinery Magazine. But I’m working on them, too.

For now however, you get yet another fascinating collection of heavily illustrated1920 articles, this time, covering the brass industry. It’s not only about the history of this special foundry technology, but you’ll get a detailed tour of the Bridgeport Brass Company and watch them pour molds, make rod, wire and tubes.

Chapters include historic notes, the crucible process, using the electric furnace, phono-electric wire, brass and copper tubes, sheet brass, extruded words and wires, and characteristics of brass.

Also included are several pages of practical hints and tips as told by the readers of American Machinist to other readers. And that includes a lot of down-to-earth practical how-to.

 If you pour metal, you should have a copy of this on your reference shelf. There may be techniques you may want to try on a small scale, or others you may want to avoid so that you don’t poison yourself! But this is how the old guys did it in a simpler time.

 For the rest of us, this is a slice of the history of technology dealing with that dense magical metal called brass. Get a copy! 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 softcover 96 pages 87 illustrations

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