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PMC Beads (DVD)

SKU: 856777001074


Popular author and teacher Tim McCreight has designed five beads to illustrate innovative ways to work with Precious Metal Clay. This is a hybrid, McCeight says. It is not a project tape, but it doesn’t limit itself to technique either. In fact, you can have it both ways. People who want projects can make these beads, but people who want technique will find that the information applies to anything you make with metal clay.

70 minutes

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Popular author and teacher Tim McCreight has designed five beads to illustrate innovative ways to work with Precious Metal Clay. This is a hybrid, McCeight says. It is not a project tape, but it doesn’t limit itself to technique either. In fact, you can have it both ways. People who want projects can make these beads, but people who want technique will find that the information applies to anything you make with metal clay.

70 minutes