“I don’t believe creativity is a gift from the fairy godmother. I believe it is a skill which can be learned and practiced like driving a car. We only consider creativity a gift because we have never tried to practice it as a skill.” – Wilhelm Häderle, retired Director of Studies, Sussen (Germany) in May 2011.
“Being an artist in the arts and crafts sector requires advanced craftsmanship and quite a number of other skills. Among these skills is the finely tuned sense of artistry, which can be acquired only after much drawing, modeling and shaping. Those who shy away from the rigors of learning, those who avoid taking the risk of creating something new, and those who cannot make up their minds to give full evidence of their solid craftsmanship and artistry also have no reason to hope for clients and may experience what lamenting and moaning, envy and silent rage will get them.” – Max Metzger, 1924.
This book was conceived and written by Wilhelm Haderle, the recently retired Director of Studies of Europe’s most famous and prestigious metalworking school, with great help from Oskar Hafen and Andreas Hafen.
Based on five fields of learning implemented by Häderle with generations of his trainees during their vocational school instruction, this book presents the creative process, design and technical implementation in the form of executing actual orders. Supplementary tasks guide the craftsmen to think and work independently. The fields of learning are illustrated with drawings from student papers while comprehensive photos contribute to the creative process and design.
An extensive selection of photos in the large appendix also clarifies what is meant by “mastering the trade of metal design” at the beginning of the 21st century.
10″ by 12″, 110 sketches, 261 color and b&w photos, 192 pages, English/German on same page.
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