Secrets of the Forge plus The Blacksmith’s Project Book (Two Book Set)
0Two hardcover books, 500+ pages and 1700 color photos combined
Basic and Practical Wax Modeling (Two Book Set)
0These two classic and renowned jewelry making and design books will teach you all you need to know about wax modeling. Written by Mr. Hiroshi Tsuyuki, the Japanese authority on this subject, these books are filled with interesting projects that are explained with an easy to understand simple step-by-step approach that vary from simple domed rings to complex pendants and brooches.
Both books are hardcover with a lay-flat binding, and are fully illustrated with b/w photos. 272 pages and over 600 photos combined.
The Blacksmith’s Project Book and The New Spruce Forge Manual of Locksmithing (Two Book Set)
0These two beautiful and instructive blacksmithing books are the perfect source of inspiration for any smith looking for a challenge and to learn new skills. With 35 blacksmithing projects combined, these two manuals will keep you busy for a very long time.
Both books are hardcover with a layflat binding, with over 1700 color photos and illustrations and just under 600 pages combined.
The Home Shop Readers’ Tip Books 1 and 2 by The Home Shop Machinist
0Purchase both together and save!
The Gunsmith Machinist Set by Steve Acker: Books I and II
0Obtain both hardcovervolumes at a savings!
Colonial Gun Art with James Turpin: Moldings & Box Lids, Stock Carving, Wire Inlay, Engraving (4 DVD set)
04 Universal DVDs instructional set on Colonial Gun Art, approx 5 hours
Building Muzzle Loaders I and II with James Turpin (2 DVD Set)
0Universal DVD 1: 202 minutes, Universal DVD 2: 110 minutes
The Art of Making Leather Cases 3 Volume Set by Al Stohlman
0All three volumes at a savings. Softcover, 361 pages total, heavily illustrated
Forged and Antler Knife (Two Book Set)
0These two original knifemaking books have something for every knifemaker, beginner or experienced alike. FORGE will teach you how to make knife using the traditional method of blacksmiths of old — FORGING while Antler Knife will guide you into making a traditional Sami-Style Knife using antler to make the knife’s handle.
Both books are hardcover with layflat binding, with over 350 color photos and illustrations and 244 pages combined.
Make Viking Axes DVD Bundle (2 DVD Set)
02 Universal DVDs set, 113 minutes
Trade Secrets Set (Guitar Building and Repair Tips) Volumes 1 and 2
0Two Softcover Books, Over 300 Pages Combined, Illustrated