Ironwork Today 2: Inside and Out, by Jeffrey B. Snyder
0Hardcover, 500 Color Photos, 256 pages
Flat Grinding with Harvey Dean, A.B.S. Mastersmith (DVD)
0The most popular grind for working knives is the Flat Ground blade. Watch as Harvey Dean demonstrates and explains his methods of flat grinding perfect blades. Learn the geometry, checkpoints, and repair methods needed to grind flat blades with remarkable success.
Universal DVD, 1 hour 48 minutes
Basic Tactical Folders with Allen Elishewitz (DVD)
0In this video Allen builds a basic tactical folder from start to finish using typical shop tools. He shows basic methods and processes that can be carried out in most knifemaking shops. This video focuses on the building process and does not cover pattern design.
Universal DVD, 146 minutes
The Gunsmith Machinist Set by Steve Acker: Books I and II
0Obtain both hardcovervolumes at a savings!
Basic Vise Work Holding Techniques for the Model 3960 Mini Mill with Jose Rodriguez (DVD)
0Basic Milling Vice Work Holding Techniques. Universal DVD, 33 minutes
The Wire Damascus Hunting Knife with Wayne Goddard: How to Do It (DVD)
0Universal DVD, 120 minutes
Knifemaking with William White (DVD)
0In easy-to-understand terms, White shows how to make a knife from a piece of flat stock steel, like an old car leaf spring, using basic tools like a bench grinder and electric drill. He covers heating and shaping the blade with a forge, hammer, and anvil, and then finishing it with files and sandpaper.
Universal DVD, 90 minutes
Passion and Power: Metal Artists in Western U.S. by Nancy Zastrow (Hardcover Edition)
0Hardcover, 416 pages, with over 800 color photos