
Describes the details of making a violin from form to finish with illustrations and full-scale working drawings. 114 pages.


The books by H. S. Wake are unique in that they give personal “over-the-shoulder” guidance and full scale plans for making and caring for instruments in the violin family. They are successfully used the world over. All books are spiral-bound softcovers made to stay open flat on the desk or workbench.


H.S. Wake’s bestselling books include: “To Make a Double Bass”, “A Strad Model ‘Cello Plans”, “Viola Making Plans”, Amateur Fiddle Makers Q and A”, Violin Bow Rehair and Repair”, “A Luthier’s Scrap Book”, and, “The Technique of Violin Making”.


FROM THE PREFACE: The purpose of this work is twofold. First, I would like to encourage those of you who are not makers, to construct a violin of your own; and secondly, I would attempt to document the methods and techniques of violin making as used today. By this I do not mean that the old “tried and true” methods of the masters will be neglected or bypassed, not at all; the basic techniques remain the same, however the great advances in modern technology and science have given us new tools to work with, and we will use them.

Modern makers are a new breed; they are not content with just going along with the old established methods, they are staying with the scientist and learning to use the tools of the scientist to make a better violin.

To those who have never made a violin, I should suggest that even though you might be a player and enjoy playing the violin, you have yet to enjoy this pleasure to its fullest extent. To play on an instrument that you have built yourself, even if only of fair tone, will provide the greatest thrill of all. Even if you are not a player, to make a violin and then to hear it played by a master, can really get to you. You will never grow old if you take up violin making.