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The Art and Secrets of Advanced Western Holster Making with John Bianchi (3 DVDs!)


3 Universal DVDs set, approx 6 hours

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John Bianchi is known worldwide as the "Father of the Modern Holster" and the "Master of Concealment". He is responsible for the design and production of over 20 million holsters during his 40 year career.

His achievements include: Author of "Blue Steel & Gunleather" – Founder of the Bianchi Cup International Pistol Competition – Designer of the M-12 Military Holster – Holds over 200 patents, trademarks and copyrights – 1981 Inventor of the Year.

This program shows John Bianchi himself, in person making a Western style holster from scratch. Every single aspect is shown from start to finish. The whole process takes almost 6 hours!

You’ll see as he sizes and creates a pattern from cardboard, cuts the leather by hand, stitches the leather, sews the holster, adds decorative embossing, then finishes the leather with a rich stain to create a functional work of art. The information presented can be applied to making any holster and leatherworking in general. John Bianchi is a master at his craft and this video is your opportunity to see him at work firsthand!

3 DVDs.

Almost 6 hours of First-Class Instruction!