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Scrollwork: Drawing Scrolls and Scroll Design for Engraving – Beginning to Advanced (2 Book Set) by Ron Smith


Original price was: $208.45.Current price is: $187.60.

2 Book Set

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If you read through the forums on the internet dedicated to professional engravers, metalsmiths, gun makers, jewelers, etc, you can see for yourself just how highly these two books are regarded by those who actually use them. They are sources of information, knowledge, techniques and inspiration for amateurs and professionals throughout the world. These two hardcover volumes are so often acquired together that they are now available as a set.


1) Advanced Drawing of Scrolls: For Engraving Artists, Designers, Craftsmen by Ron Smith:  This is one of the most comprehensive studies in the anatomy of leaf and spiral structures.

This compilation of forty years of experience is an adventure into beauty and grace that will awaken creative abilities.

Second edition, 2007. Hardcover, beautifully and fully illustrated, 223 pages.

2) Drawing & Understanding Scroll Designs by Ron Smith: This is the definitive book on scroll design by Master Engraver Ron Smith. This comprehensive book on scroll design is regarded as the bible on this important subject.

This bestselling book helps anyone design outstanding and pleasing scrolls. Ron Smith illustrates what separates impressive scroll designs from amateur ones. This book is written for artists, engravers, and collectors of engraved work.

Hardcover, fully illustrated, 47 pages.

Additional information

Weight 4.2 lbs




223 & 47

