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Multi-Blades With Craig Brewer (DVD)


Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $32.00.

Universal DVD, 1 hour and 27 minutes

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Craig is a full-time knifemaker in central Texas who started making knives in 2002. He later met Johnny Stout and Harvey Dean and started attending a hammer-in they hosted. There he met many other knife makers willing to share information on all aspects of knife making.

Craig credits Bill Ruple and Rusty Preston the most for getting him started on slipjoint knives. Bill and Rusty provided encouragement and instruction to Craig and many other knifemakers. Craig continues to refine his techniques and skills, and he focuses mostly on slipjoint and lockback folders.

Craig’s advice to new knifemakers is to search out knife making gatherings or hammer-ins, put in the time to practice your skills and improve your abilities, and above all, have fun meeting new friends in your knife making journey.

In this video, Craig demonstrates how he makes a three blade stockman. This is a follow-up to his first video Slipjoints With Craig Brewer.

Please note: Many of the operations covered in the first video are only touched on or mentioned in this one. The primary focus of this video is to demonstrate the steps needed to move from a single to a multi-blade knife.

Total Run Time: 1 Hour 27 Minutes.