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Making a Miniature Boring Head with Jose Rodriguez (DVD)



Make a Micrometer Boring Head for Your Taig Lathe or Micro Mill. Universal DVD, 2 hours and 23 minutes

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(Please Note: The Publisher of this DVD does not include cover art – on paper – in the DVD case. We supply these excellent DVDs to you as the publisher supplies them to us.)

Watch the author as he builds a fully operational and capable boring head. In this almost two-hour video you will learn in full detail how to make a boring head with micrometer adjustment feature with very little material and equipment. In fact, although the author uses his homemade milling machine to build it, it could be easily built using the Taig lathe plus milling attachment. You will see the dovetailed components being built from layout to finish. 

The unit takes 1/4" shank shop made or commercial boring bars. The idea here was to make a miniature version of a commercially available full size boring head complete will all the normal features found on them, but only about half the overall size. Small machines such as the Taig Micromill and Sherline milling machines will vibrate when a full-size boring head is installed with the head laterally offset even a small amount. This unit is small, compact, but extremely strong and stiff. This will be evident at the end of the video during the actual cutting test, boring out of an existing bore on an aluminum work piece. 

The head itself is adjustable in thousands of an inch with its graduated screw and its male dovetail is kept snug or fully locked during cutting by three gib screws. This unit has a real brass gib rather than the usual practice of slitting the female dovetail to create a pseudo gib. All in all, for the cost of a pack of cigarettes you make build a great addition to your tool shelf that will perform for you for a lifetime! 

120 minutes.

With Jose Rodriguez

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Year published





2 Hours