
International Metal Design Annual Series: 2009 through 2013 Bundle.

As purchasing the entire set of the International Metal Design Annuals all at once is a bit of an investment (but well worth it if you can) we have divided the annuals up into 3 groups of 5 annuals each and are offering each bundle at a discounted price! 

The praiseworthy, fascinating and useful project of photographically documenting the work of artist-blacksmiths from all over the world on a yearly basis took form back in 1999 when Peter Elgass, of the German publishing house Hephaistos published the first volume of his Metal Design International annual series. The 1999 edition covered the work of 8 smiths (7 European, one Asian) in 100s of  excellent black and white photos. The book and series met with immediate success in the international blacksmithing community and blacksmiths continue to look forward to the release of the newest annual each year.

The principal feature of these annuals is the great photos but Peter also made the wise decision to publish the books in both German and English on the same page so more of us could read the biographies of the featured artists.

Since 1999 over 125 artist-blacksmiths from all over the world have been featured. Since the 2006 edition the photos have been in color.

The format has remained the same through the years. The work of about 8 smiths is featured in high quality photos. There is a biography and contact information for all the artists and a brief description of their featured work. Each volume is hardcover, 230 pages long, and measures 8 ¼ inches by 11 ½ inches.

Purchasing these annuals is an excellent way of keeping up-to-date with what our colleagues are creating the world over. The photos are inspiring.

As purchasing the entire set of the International Metal Design Annuals all at once is a bit of an investment (but well worth it if you can) we have divided the annuals up into 3 groups of 5 annuals each and are offering each bundle at a discounted price!  

5 Hardcover books, 11 1/2" x 8 1/4", 1160 pages, circa 1500 photos, 14 lbs.