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Beginning to Glaze and Fire with Graham Sheehan (DVD)



Universal DVD, 62 minutes

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Graham shows potters how to complete their pots once they have reached the leather-hard stage. The program demonstrates the use of electric kilns for successful bisque and glaze firings.


Topics include kiln selection and operation; slip decoration; bisque loading and firing; use of cones; waxing; glaze mixing; glaze application; brush decoration; glaze loading and firing.


Includes printed notes and recipes

"This clear concise, thorough and professional video … is ideal for the classroom as well as for those who are just getting into clay on their own." (Walter Dexter, Potter and Instructor) "Beginning to Glaze and Fire with Graham Sheehan is an invaluable reference for the potter setting up a first time studio." (Studio Potter Network)

"Cheerfully recommended as an independent title or as part of the series." (Video Librarian)

Please Note: There is no artwork provided by the publisher, Pottery Videos, in the DVD case for this video. If for any reason this presents a problem for you (esp. schools and public libraries) please contact us and we will have the publisher email you a jpeg. The artwork shown in the photo either comes from a scene in the DVD itself or from the artwork provided in a previous edition of the DVD.



Please do NOT purchase this DVD if not having jewel-case artwork is an issue for you.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs

Pottery Videos


62 minutes