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A Luthier’s Scrap Book (Fiddle Fix), by H.S. Wake

SKU: 9780960704828


Softcover, Spiral-bound

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A collection of short “how-to-do-it” articles pertaining to the making and restoration of violins, etc. Over 75 topics are covered. Illustrated with sketches by the author. 110 pages.

The books by H. S. Wake are unique in that they give personal “over-the-shoulder” guidance and full scale plans for making and caring for instruments in the violin family. They are successfully used the world over. All books are spiral-bound softcovers made to stay open flat on the desk or workbench.

H.S. Wake’s bestselling books include: “To Make a Double Bass”, “A Strad Model ‘Cello Plans”, “Viola Making Plans”, Amateur Fiddle Makers Q and A”, Violin Bow Rehair and Repair”, “A Luthier’s Scrap Book”, and, “The Technique of Violin Making”.