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2008 International Metal Design Annual (Metall Design International 2008) by Peter Elgass

SKU: 9783931951313

Original price was: $57.95.Current price is: $31.87.

An in-depth photograpic Survey of the Work of Seven World-Class Smiths

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2008 marked the 10th year that this series had been photographically documenting the work of contemporary artist blacksmiths from all over the world. Looking through these annuals is a way of keeping up-to-date with what smiths from other countries are creating.

The publisher, Hephaistos, has been diligent, as always, in showing all kinds of work, from the ultra-modern and abstract to more classical/traditional oriented work. Regardless of your personal taste, you will admire the skill of all the featured smiths. All text is in English and German.

This is the list of featured smiths in the 2008 annual: Francisco Gazitua, Norbert Finke, Vladan Behal, Manfred Becher, Roberto Giordani, Paul Kreten, Juri Sarkisjan. All annuals from 1999 through the present one can be purchased individually from Artisan Ideas.

Additional information

Weight 4.2 lbs

Year published






