This 220 page book offers, at a considerable savings, all the text and illustrations contained in the following 11 publications:
1) Medieval Shoes- A manual for the construction of a pair of 14th century shoes, in our private collection. This manual teaches lasted shoe construction.
2) Boots– A manual for the construction of a pair of 15th century boots with instruction to adapt to patterns to any other period. This manual teaches lasted boot construction.
3) Simple Medieval Turn Shoes– A manual designed to provide the reader with simple instructions to make simple cloth or leather shoes. This manual teaches unlasted shoe construction and requires almost no specialized tools.
4) Viking Boots– A manual for the construction of a pair of Viking ankle boots. This manual teaches lasted boot construction.
5) Viking, Celtic & Anglo-Danish Supplement-– Six patterns to be used with the manuals above.
6) 12th Century Supplement— Six patterns to be used with the manuals above.
7) 13th Century Supplement— Six patterns to be used with the manuals above.
8) 14th Century Supplement— Five patterns to be used with the manuals above.
9) 15th Century Supplement— Six patterns to be used with the manuals above.
10) 16th Century Supplement— Five patterns to be used with the manuals above.
11) Tips, Techniques, Tools, Sources & Resources for the Shoemaker– A group of useful tidbits designed to improve your shoemaking ability.
N.B. This is self-published by the author, Doug Strong. It is a completely original work but produced in a home-made fashion. If you’re comfortable with a self-published format, then you should definitely buy a copy for its unique content.
We carry many self-published publications because of their interesting, hard-to-find or unique subject matter. If you are interested in the content of this publication, get one.