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Salt-Soda Firing Series with Gordon Hutchens (2 programs on 1 DVD)



Universal DVD, 120 minutes

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 A two program series that explores in detail the making, decorating and firing of pots using salt and/or soda firing methods. Gordon Hutchens has worked with salt and soda-firing methods since studying with Don Pilcher and Don Rietz while attending the University of Illinois in the late 1960’s. His work has been exhibited widely in North America and Japan.

"Straight forward, unpretentious videos that communicate a lot of information…. well organized with strong production values…. makes all the ‘how-to’ books seem hopelessly inadequate."(Contact, No. 107)

"As usual with Tara Productions, the technical work is excellent…. Recommended."(Video Librarian)

"This two video set on salt-soda firing will be an excellent introduction and give the base for a working potter or instructor to actually do it and as Gordon Hutchens continually exudes—enjoy. For libraries serving an advanced art program…. get this set; it will be well worth it." – (Book Report, In Press)

This DVD includes the following two programs which were previously released as two stand-alone videos:

Program 1, Clays Slips and Glazes: Gordon demonstrates how to utilize the unique effects created by different clays, slips and glazes during a high-temperature salt-soda firing. He uses numerous examples of finished pieces to illustrate the beautiful, and varied, results possible from this unique firing method. Recipes and printed notes are included on the DVD menu. (60 minutes).

Program 2, Loading and Firing: Gordon shows in detail how to maintain and load a kiln and how to manage a salt-soda firing. The program captures the intensity and excitement of the cone nine salt-soda firing and displays the results of the many pots created during the two programs. (60 minutes).

Please Note: There is no artwork provided by the publisher, Pottery Videos, in the DVD case for this video. If for any reason this presents a problem for you (esp. schools and public libraries) please contact us and we will have the publisher email you a jpeg. The artwork shown in the photo either comes from a scene in the DVD itself or from the artwork provided in a previous edition of the DVD. Please do NOT purchase this DVD if not having jewel-case artwork is an issue for you. 

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs

Pottery Videos


120 minutes