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Rawhide Neck Sheaths with John Cohea (DVD)



Universal DVD, 2 Hours and 39 minutes

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John Cohea is a frontier style knifemaker and leather worker from Nettleton, Mississippi. In this video, John demonstrates how to make two rawhide neck sheaths. The first sheath is more of a traditional neck sheath where the knife extracts from the bottom. The second neck sheath is a conversion type of sheath that can be worn on either the neck or a belt.

Some of the techniques that John demonstrates are:

  • Making a copper concho
  • Making a copper lanyard bail
  • Making a copper back panel
  • Making a braided neck lanyard
  • Making a hook and loop clasp for the lanyard
  • and other decorating tips

 (Running Time: 2 Hours 39 Minutes)

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Year published



Chris Crawford


2 Hours and 39 minutes