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Metal Casting Set (Volumes One and Two at a Savings) by Steve Chastain

SKU: 0719377332897


Sand Casting for the Small Foundry, 2 softcover books

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Steve Chastain’s two bestselling books on metal casting together as a set.

METAL CASTING VOL 1: This book shows the beginner how to cast metal in sand molds using simple techniques and readily available materials.

It shows how to make a sand mold and then how to produce high quality castings. Written in non-technical terms, the sand casting manuals begin by melting aluminum cans over a charcoal fire and end by casting a cylinder head.

METAL CASTING VOL. 2: Part 2 of the Sand Casting Manual continues by describing more advanced techniques. This book shows how to cast metal in sand molds using simple techniques and readily available materials.

It shows how to make rubber molds and match plates and how to cast pistons and cylinder heads. Written in non-technical terms, the sand casting manuals begin by melting aluminum cans over a charcoal fire and end by casting a cylinder head.

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Weight 2.2 lbs



