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Getting Started With Clay with Graham Sheehan (DVD)



Universal DVD, 60 minutes

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Graham Sheehan introduces beginning potters to low-tech approaches to clay arts that have been used by potters for thousands of years. After digging and preparing local clay, he demonstrates modeling and slab techniques for making simple hand-built forms. He then shows how to build a wood-fired kiln that novices can construct in a couple of hours using re-cycled bricks. Graham fires this kiln and shows the finished forms that complete the clay arts cycle. Drawings and a materials list to aid with the construction of the kiln    are included on the DVD menu.

 "The ancient methods illustrated are likely to inspire a modern to get going in this engaging program which is about as good and fun an introduction to pottery as you’re likely to find. Highly recommended." – (Video Librarian)

Please Note: There is no artwork provided by the publisher, Pottery Videos, in the DVD case for this video. If for any reason this presents a problem for you (esp. schools and public libraries) please contact us and we will have the publisher email you a jpeg. The artwork shown in the photo either comes from a scene in the DVD itself or from the artwork provided in a previous edition of the DVD.



Please do NOT purchase this DVD if not having jewel-case artwork is an issue for you.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs

Pottery Videos


60 minutes