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Eyes of Flight (DVD)


Original price was: $65.00.Current price is: $42.75.

A Historical Aerometal Training Film!! Copyright 1957, color, restored! Universal DVD, 33 minutes

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A Historical Aerometal Training Film!! Copyright 1957, color, restored!
Please note: The original 16 mm film used to make this DVD was timeless in its information and methodology. The content offered is such a smooth and clean method of instruction that we didn’t want to replace them with our own efforts, so we had the film cleaned and restored at a preservation house, and then digitally re-mastered in DVD format. We hope you enjoy and benefit from the information on this film as much as we did.
If you want to learn how to handle, cut, drill, form and care for Plexiglas, then this is the film! Many experienced craftsmen have told me how much they enjoyed this film. 
Special drills, saw speeds, solvents and polishing techniques are shown, along with the causes of “crazing”. Includes footage from Bell showing how canopies are blown. Warbird footage! Great info! 
Rohm & Haas, 33 min., color, 1957