
This is an original DVD produced and manufactured by FEGA, the Firearms Engravers Guild of America.

Although entitled ‘basic’ this is actually a lecture (not a workshop) which goes over the basics of engraving for experienced engravers. This DVD was filmed at a FEGA seminar in 1999. The lighting quality is not up to scratch but for those who know or know of Rex and his work you also know that any of his advice is invaluable.


Rex is a third-generation gunsmith who began engraving in 1978. He joined the early effort to form the Firearms Engravers Guild of America (FEGA) and is a charter member who has held a number of FEGA offices, including president. His experience as a professional gunsmith adds depth to his engraving capabilities since firearms engraving jobs often involve some gunsmithing. He trained under the renowned Martin Strolz of Austria in the GRS Grand Masters Program in 2009. Publications such as Guns Magazine and Custom Firearms Engraving have featured his engraving work.

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Weight 0.5 lbs