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Correcting Bolt Lug Engagement & Excess Headspace (DVD)



Steve demonstrates how a gunsmith can rework the Remington 700 bolt action rifle for more accuracy, using basic tooling and setups on the lathe and workbench.

The work is done on a factory varmint rifle not as accurate as it should be, and which has long headspace.

He improves bolt contact and the front receiver ring contact.

(1 hour, 35 minutes).

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Steve demonstrates how a gunsmith can rework the Remington 700 bolt action rifle for more accuracy, using basic tooling and setups on the lathe and workbench.

The work is done on a factory varmint rifle not as accurate as it should be, and which has long headspace.

He improves bolt contact and the front receiver ring contact.

(1 hour, 35 minutes).

Steve Acker is a gunsmith and machinist who writes “The Gunsmith Machinist” column for Machinist’s Workshop (formerly Projects in Metal) magazine, as well as other machining articles for “The Home Shop Machinist” magazine. His work as a gunsmith is superb–meticulous in detail. Steve has produced five excellent instructional DVDs that will assure you of greater accuracy.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs

Vialage press


1 hour 35 minutes