
This is an original DVD produced and manufactured by FEGA, the Firearms Engravers Guild of America.

NOTE ON THE PHOTOS: The photos of engraved scrollwork on firearms on this page are NOT taken from the DVD but are examples of Johny Weyert’s (the presenter on this DVD course) superb work.


A new way of looking at scroll design by master engraver Johny Weyerts. He covers the basics through more complicated design explanations.

As Johny Weyerts is also a retired high school teacher he knows how to explain in a very clear manner which you will appreciate.

Filmed at a FEGA seminar in 2005.

Master engraver, Johny Weyerts, engraves full-time at his studio in Alpine,
Texas.  He has engraved for, Tom Selleck, Brad Johnson, the late Larry Hagman, Al Micallef and many others who readily admire and collect his work.  He has been engraving for clients for over thirty years.  The Academy of Western Artists selected Johny as Engraver Of The Year at their 7th annual Will Rogers Awards  show held in Fort Worth, Texas in 2002.  One of his many commissioned jobs was a 30/30 Winchester done for the Cowboy Poetry Committee for the Trappings of Texas which is held each year in Alpine, Texas.  A two-page spread of this work is featured in Tom Turpin’s book, Custom Firearms Engraving. 

Since establishing Weyerts School of Engraving in 1996 he has influenced, and trained several top engravers.

PLEASE READ BEFORE PURCHASING!!!: FEGA DVDs are filmed live at FEGA seminars. They give you the exceptional opportunity of learning from some of the best engravers and artists in the United States.

The educational content of FEGA videos is superb but these are not Hollywood productions. If you are looking for a product with slick packaging, do not purchase this item. If you are looking for excellent instruction on this subject, you will not be disappointed.


Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs