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Chopping and Sectioning with Ron Covell and Joe McGlynn (DVD)



Universal DVD, 100 minutes

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Inspired by the Rod & Custom ‘Dream Truck’,  Ron Covell and Joe McGlynn radically rework a ‘56 Studebaker pickup – giving it a 4” chop, a 6” section, and pie-cutting the hood.

Every step is shown up-close, with clear detail, and the ongoing commentary brings out many of the ‘fine points’ of the work.

You’ll see how and where to lay out the cuts, different ways to cut the metal, and how to fit the pieces back together to establish flowing contours. There are demonstrations on the English Wheel, planishing hammer, and Pullmax, plus TIG welding and plasma cutting. Special attention is paid to getting the hood and door gaps uniform.

Although chopping and sectioning are radical modifications, Ron and Joe’s thoughtful, methodical way of working through the steps is easy to follow!

100 minutes.

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Weight 0.5 lbs




100 minutes