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Bulwark and Bastion: A Look at Musket Era Fortifications with a Glance at Period Siegecraft

SKU: 9781877704178

Original price was: $6.95.Current price is: $5.21.

The word “bulwark” is defined as being a wall-like defensive structure, while the word “bastion” is defined as being a fortified area or position. The construction of fortifications to secure places from attack is a practice as old as mankind. This booklet, illustrated with drawings and photos, goes into detail on the various types of fortifications that have been utilized throughout history. Contains as excellent glossary of technical terms.

Softcover, 98 pages

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The word “bulwark” is defined as being a wall-like defensive structure, while the word “bastion” is defined as being a fortified area or position. The construction of fortifications to secure places from attack is a practice as old as mankind. This booklet, illustrated with drawings and photos, goes into detail on the various types of fortifications that have been utilized throughout history. Contains as excellent glossary of technical terms.

Softcover, 98 pages

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Weight 1 lbs


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