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Building Muzzle Loaders I and II with James Turpin (2 DVD Set)


Original price was: $58.00.Current price is: $51.50.

Universal DVD 1: 202 minutes, Universal DVD 2: 110 minutes

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These two bestselling videos on building muzzleloaders from the great Jim Turpin are now available as a set.

DVD 1, Building Muzzle-Loaders: This video shows step by step how to build a quality muzzleloader . Starting with a blank or a pre-carved stock.

Mr Turpin explains in detail each step. This video is designed for the beginning to intermediate builder.

It is a complete guide to getting started. Two hours and twenty-two minutes run time.

DVD 2, Building Muzzle-Loaders II: This second video covers the percussion systems, half stocks & installing under ribs.

There is also a short section on checkering. 

One hour and fifty minutes run time.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs

Primitive Arts


312 minutes combined