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An American’s View of the English Wheel with Kent White (DVD)



Although simple, the Wheeling Machine (English Wheel) can be deceptively so, and this film solves many of the mysteries of tracking patterns, layering, shrinking, and smoothing out the rough spots. We take time to analyze the frame stiffness with a load cell, and how much pressure it actually takes to either shape .050″ 3003 aluminum or to “planish” (smooth, crush, flatten) a gas weld in the same material. 

Universal DVD, 2 Hours and 6 Minutes

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Although simple, the Wheeling Machine (English Wheel) can be deceptively so, and this film solves many of the mysteries of tracking patterns, layering, shrinking, and smoothing out the rough spots. We take time to analyze the frame stiffness with a load cell, and how much pressure it actually takes to either shape .050″ 3003 aluminum or to “planish” (smooth, crush, flatten) a gas weld in the same material.

It is easy to obtain these machines today, as you can find a cheap English Wheel from nearly any tool hawker out there. But what are you actually buying? Do you know how to easily check for some important features or inaccuracies? Many people buy a cheap English wheel and then get frustrated because it only makes lumpy panels.

Buy this DVD before you invest in an English Wheel, is our advice. We show proper roll runout, bearing play, axles, and upper Wheel runout. Learn to choose the right roll (anvil, anvil roll) contours for your job. The film also demonstrates forming and curving flanges, and a deburring trick that is fast and helpful. Did you know that sometimes you can even shrink on the Wheel? All of this is and more is covered!

Some vintage metalworking history is depicted to give you a greater understanding of traditions and methods in Italian coachbuilding, as well as coachworking in England, and America. A special section at the end shows a powerful air hammer working together with a Pullmax-type machine (electric nibbler) and an English Wheel to rapidly stretch, shrink, and planish a high-crowned panel for an aircraft wheelpant.

This video made the Pullmax popular for doing sheetmetal fabrication, because until this film came out, the Pullmax had never been used for shrinking sheet metal. TM Technologies was the first to develop and sell shrinking dies (thumbnail dies) for the Pullmax. These same dies are demonstrated in this film.

2 Hours and 6 Minutes.

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Weight 0.5 lbs

2 hours and 6 minutes