Bestselling Book and DVD sets at a special discount!
Secrets of the Forge plus The Blacksmith’s Project Book (Two Book Set)
0Two hardcover books, 500+ pages and 1700 color photos combined
Antique Lock and Key Collectors’ Library (Three Book Set)
0The Antique Lock and Key Collectors’ Library (Three Book Set) includes the following three books: Antique Locks and Keyes, Locks and keyes Throughout the Ages and Persian Locks. All three books are Hardcover.
Scrollwork: Drawing Scrolls and Scroll Design for Engraving – Beginning to Advanced (2 Book Set) by Ron Smith
02 Book Set
The Art of Making Leather Cases 3 Volume Set by Al Stohlman
0All three volumes at a savings. Softcover, 361 pages total, heavily illustrated
Make Viking Axes DVD Bundle (2 DVD Set)
02 Universal DVDs set, 113 minutes