This excellent 3 DVD set contains the following videos:
Forging a Flintlock Rifle Barrel with Jon Laubach and Chris Laubach (DVD):
Features the man who has forged more gun barrel tubes than any man living today.
Jon Laubach worked many years at Colonial Williamsburg & willingly shares his experiences in becoming a real 18th century gunsmith. Assisted by his son Christopher & Mike Miller, Jon teaches how to forge a 45” long tapered & flared gun barrel tube from wrought iron on a coal fired forge.
Includes bonus material on forging a breech-plug blank & making traditional boring bits. Most gun builders will never forge their own barrel, but want to know how it was done, as do many re- enactors.
Jon presents in close detail the required skills & techniques.
1 hour and 25 minutes run time.
Rifling a Gun Barrel with Steve Bookout (DVD)
Features the colorful and talented Toad Hall gun builder Steve Bookout demonstrating how to
ream a commercial unrifled barrel blank & then rifle it in a traditional manner with his hand
powered homemade rifling machine
Completing the Hand-Forged Rifle Barrel with Mike Miller (DVD):
Features noted gun maker Mike Miller. Using only hand tools he files up the breech-plug, cuts the threads then drills & taps the breech of the barrel tube to a proper fit.
The octagon flats are rasped & filed to profile. Mike demonstrates crowning the barrel as well as coning the touchhole from inside the bore.
Wallace Gusler says you have never made a barrel until it passes proof so Mike loads up a double charge with a double ball for a spectacular successful test.
Of benefit to gun makers who may never forge a barrel is that Mike shows how you can profile a modern muzzle-loading barrel to obtain the correct dimensions for your rifle.
The taper & flare varied from Pennsylvania through Virginia and the Carolinas.