
Details the names and placement of the bones, tendons and ligaments. Prep for CJF exam.

Running time 40 minutes

Whether you are a horse owner who wants to provide humane foot care to keep your horse healthy and performing well, or a farrier who wants to increase your skills and your income, or a veterinarian who wants to refresh or supplement your horse foot care education, you will find solid solutions for equine soundness in the Doug Butler Horse Foot Care Library.
From The Principles of Horseshoeing (P3), the most widely used textbook and comprehensive resource on the subject of horse foot care available today, to DVDs on shoeing specific types of horses, anatomy of the horse, and iron and forge work – you’ll find proven, reliable resources for raising the standard of horse foot care available from Doug Butler Enterprises.
Doug Butler DVDs include: “Essential Forging”, “Essential Foot Skill”, “Essential Anatomy (of the Horse)”, “Essential Horsemanship”, “Horseshoeing: Introduction to Humane Hoof Care”, “Horse Behavior Modification”, “Bones and Ligaments of the Horse’s Leg”,  “Dissection & Common Foot Diseases (of the Horse)”, “Basic Horseshoeing Principles”, “Shoeing the Sound Horse”, “Shoeing the Navicular Horse”, “Shoeing the Foundered Horse: How to Medically and Mechanically Treat Founder”.

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Weight 0.7 lbs

40 minutes